
Parkview was one of three projects selected by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency to receive special funding for first-time homebuyers. Sited on vacant land near historic downtown Carlisle that at one time was owned and maintained by the regional freight rail company, Parkview housing development attempts to reinvigorate the local community by providing affordable and sustainable housing to first-time homebuyers.  The project is the last of infill housing sites within the local borough. Parkview became a window into the US construction market driven by developer’s design logic, banks’ obscure appraisal processes and bizarre aesthetic values of the curb appeal. Both fascinating and horrifying, working on Parkview has been extremely influential in forming a critical view on contemporary architecture overlooked by contemporary architects.

The housing development implements several state-of-the-art Best Stormwater Management Practices , including vegetated bio-swales, retention basins and pervious surface cover, to sustain, re-vitalize and promote the ecology within and adjacent to the site. In addition, various sustainable design features have been employed within the individual housing units such as passive heating and cooling, local, green building products and resourceful mechanical systems to ensure energy efficiency for the homeowner and to sustain the local cultural identity of the place.

Completed units (north side)

Typical Unit plans

Exterior surfaces

Study model

Cross section

Project Team
Jason Austin, Aleksandr Mergold

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Rowhouse Renovation
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