click to download info slide show here

click to download program description here



In Moscow we will be working in studios at the Moscow Academy of Architecture and collaborating with the design entity – the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design founded last year by OMA/AMO  http://strelkainstitute.com/en/ Helsinki has been selected as the world design capital in 2012 http://www.worlddesigncapital.com/world-design-capitals/current-capital-helsinki/ – so there will be a lot of design related activity this summer – one of them, Wastelands: XXXII European Architecture Students Assembly,  is here http://vimeo.com/30794070  and here  http://wastelands.fi/ Logistics Financial aid is available for the summer like any regular semester. Based on how many credits you decide to take, there is a possibility to graduate a semester earlier – if you are in a hurry for whatever reason. Estimated student budget is at $6500 which includes accommodations, food per diem, transportation to and from the program, misc. supplies, phone & communication costs and required visas. Keep in mind that the places we are going, particularly in the Russian Federation, are pretty much impossible to reach on your own without local connections – so treat this program as a  opportunity to explore a part of the world you would otherwise not be able to access on your own. Deposits are due in the Architecture office on January 30 (extended deadline). In the (unlikely) event that the program is cancelled, you will indeed get them back.